This is my (growing) take on a #clmooc activity from the make bank, you can find out more about the idea if you would like to investigate further, however, it is essentially a collection of items that are both special and prized in your professional life yet things that would never feature on an actual CV or resume.
Inspiring others
During the pandemic increased workload and wider lockdown pressures left little bandwidth for community events, writing and projects, however, I did manage a blog post early on about presenting virtually. This prompted a Twitter conversation with Tom Farrelly of Gasta fame and @magsamond which ultimately resulted in an online Gasta event shortly after. It was a huge success with fantastic speakers, you check out the recordings here: #GastaGoesGlobal. I got a wee shout out on Ken McCarthy’s Who’s Zoomin’ Who? podcast, Looking Back episode to boot.
All down to your Blog and @magsamond – ye got me thinking!!
— Tom Farrelly SFHEA (@TomFarrelly) April 14, 2020
Ah thank you Clare that is nice to hear 😊
I took some inspiration and courage from people like you (and your OER19 presentation) to try and play with the format a bit.— ☀️ Eamon Costello (@eam0) July 3, 2020
Non-disposable assignment
I have a few of these from my #mscde course but my favourite is the one during which I put ‘open on trial’ through the lens of my own experiences. I incorporated many of the #opened folk into my jury to bring in an element of fun. I literally managed to write this in only a couple of weeks under very difficult personal circumstances, so the fact that I was able to enjoy sending it out into the world and have conversations and further reflections was all an added bonus. Ironically, it wasn’t my best from the academic perspective, which is an interesting outcome for me.
Link to the assignment / Link to reflections on the experience afterwards
Making an appearance in a DigPedLab keynote
This one links up with the non-disposable assignment above! I would love to attend the Digital Pedagogy Lab, but the nearest I have managed this is making a miniature appearance in the DPL Keynote: Maha Bali & Chris Gilliard in 2017. It was only Twitter me, and I pop up on screen at 51:05 but I would recommend watching the whole talk.
#LTHEchat 69: Student induction or information overload?
One of the very top things about facilitating a #LTHEchat was getting one of Simon Rae‘s fabulous drawings for it. Also tops, is getting a facilitator badge. I personally changed my own induction activities based on all the contributions to this chat. Read all the chat here and the link to the Storify.

Carroty Stick
My second entry is another fabulous drawing, this time by Bryan Mathers, which I proposed after a Jisc workshop at Ulster University – it sums up much of what I do as an education technologist every day.

I got into postcard sending via my MSc in Digital Education at the University of Edinburgh and then joined the #clmooc project in the summer of 2017 – they have cheered up the empty noticeboard on my office wall no end. Bonuses include very strange looks when they arrive at the School office and colouring in opportunities.

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