I’m not big on new year resolutions but the combined prompts of #oneword2018 and the Visual Thinkery Elemental Design tool have encouraged me to pick my word for the coming year: boundless.

Why boundless?
1. I spend a huge amount of time trying to curtail my children’s endless energy: running when they should be walking, bouncing when they should be sitting, cartwheeling when they should be listening. However, deep down I’m really just pretty darn envious and would love, love, love to be able to channel even a fraction of this endless fountain.
2. There are lots of changes and new projects on the cards in the year ahead and I don’t want to restrain or limit my expectations of what’s to come.
3. The world around me seems determined (still) to build walls and reinstate borders and boundaries – to my mind a crazy stance.
4. I hope this year to further explore ethnography for research. This is going to be quite challenging but it aligns with my boundless ethos:
Its aim is to observe a situation without imposing any deductive structure or framework upon it and to view everything as strange or unique.
WikipediaVirtual ethnography really complicates the idea of ‘boundaries’ because it challenges spatial and temporal locations.
5. It brings Tigger from Winnie the Pooh to mind and that is always a good thing.
* Bs is a, tongue-in-cheek, reminder to myself to avoid the common meaning for it at all costs
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