Who is Twitter Me?
Who do people see?
Professional Me? #edtech in HE, #digitalliteracies, reflection?
At Home Me? Gardening, baking, making, reading, parenting?
What now – she has kids?
(Don’t you see; I have three – growing & learning;
Ridiculously bendy and endlessly in-de-fa-tig-able)
Overly optimistic of what can be done with no time to spare?
Who is Twitter Me?
Who do people see?
My wit can fall flat, I avoid controversy at all costs
Blurring the line between my selves, yet steadfastly private
I avoid Facebook, my LinkedIn is full of cobwebs, WordPress feels like home
My retweets convey my political and social despair –
The world is building walls when we should be breaking them down
Likes can be bookmarks, acknowledgement, agreement and so much more
Who is Twitter Me?
Who do people see?
My Tweets can be sporadic – I am useless at networking strategies
Sometimes I’m quiet but usually louder with familiar faces and spaces
Sharing and learning; all wrapped up in a coating of fun
Challenge and risk are my drivers, despite imposter syndrome knocking at the door
Listening, supporting, frustrated at injustice and intolerance
Is that who you see?
This is Twitter Me
Just me, don’t you see?
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